Sunday, October 27, 2013

We are all a little bit Autistic

You might be a behavior specialist if

1.  You try to teach parents parenting tips when you have never been a parent . . . and you are 26.
2.  A kid peeing in the toilet is the result of sitting with them in the bathroom, sometimes for hours. And it is the most deserving of a victory dance.
3.  You feel totally at home when you walk into some client's houses.  And you get a little slack about professionalism because you feel like you are best friends with the family.  At others you knock on the door while praying "please have a shirt on, please have a shirt on, please have a shirt on. . ."
4.  You feel like Nanny McPhee because when the kids want you around is when they don't really need you anymore.
5.  You are a ninja at avoiding bites, hits, slaps, kicks, snot, spit, permanent markers, any type of beverage, being peed on etc.  Unfortunately, all of these have happened to me once, but only once.
6.  You literally witness miracles.
7.  You spend your nights praying for your clients and then the next day at the park they have a natural opportunity to succeed at the very thing you have been praying about.
8.  You get to see how other kids can be angels.  Some are so patient and never question why this new friend can't talk.  They play with them anyway.  Or why he throws dirt, or why he eats the dirt.  They play anyway.  Or why he has a "friend" who is an adult and plays with them.  They play anyway.  Or why the child is freaking out over climbing on the playground.  They play with them anyway.  Those are some of the days that I cry because I am so grateful for the other kids in this world.
9.  Out of the blue one of your clients might say, "Megan, I love you."  Which is not any less valuable when the next sentence from him is "I LOVE THIS GAS STATION," in a much more excited tone.
10.  One of your clients tells you over and over again that his favorite treat is the white jelly bean.  After i juggle for him for a few minutes, he says, "GREAT JOB!! You deserve a treat."  And he digs through the jelly beans and says, "here you go," as he hands me his favorite white jelly bean.  Oh bless.
11.  You start developing what we call stims (any thing that stimulates the body senses including clenching muscles, banging head on the wall, hitting yourself, flapping, hitting your ears etc.) I kind of have these now.  When I see nature and beauty I get over stimulated and clench my body and say in a weird voice "IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!"  Oops.

My job is somedays really difficult.  Other days I can't believe I get paid to have so much fun.  I do what is equivalent to occupational therapy, speech therapy, (although I am not as skilled as the pros are)  social skills, and most of all, curbing the tantrums.  I never get angry with them, which I hope continues when I am a parent.  I love them so much.  Working with these children has taught me so much about the worth of a soul and the worth of each person.  It has taught me that we can always change.  WE CAN ALWAYS CHANGE.  We can always be better.

I saw this collection of photos the other day.  The photographer is a dad and the model is his son who has Autism.  Some of the poses in these pictures I have seen my kids do a million times.  And almost all of my kids would rather be naked at ALL times.

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Olow?" "Sir, I think it is 'Hello'!"

Once upon a time, there was a girl who assumed everywhere she went would have wireless internet.  She was wrong in Boise, Italy, and Salt Lake.  In each city, her apartment situations did not allow it (too many weird long stories including how one of my roommates told me before i moved in that I could use the neighbors like she did, then i found out after that she was lying and SHE could use the internet but i couldn't.  She was sooooo nice, she offered to let me use her computer but I was thinking "I have a computer, all I really need is a password.")   SO after almost 3 years of inconsistently having the internet, it is back.  I just moved in with my cousin.  She is pretty normal and wanted to share the internet cost DUH.  I keep trying to go to a friend's house to send an email, then I remember "HA!! I HAVE the internet!"

So what to blog first?  Well, the wedding dress pictures are not ready yet, so not that.  I don't have a boyfriend so not that.  I think I will just do another list.

1.  I always forget to do before photos.  I am too rushed to get a project done.  So my friend had this hideous dresser.  I knew I needed one, but I wasn't sure if I wanted a hideous one.  UNTIL I knew its purpose.  For months I have this itch to write on the walls the things I am grateful for.  I tried a gratitude journal, but something about closing the book puts it out of my mind.  I actually did write on the walls a couple of times.  It was awesome, but I had to paint over it later.  Boo.  I tried a cork board with cards.  But what I needed was a hideous dresser to paint.  Now I write all over it.  Filling it in is fun.

I know the writing is backwards.  WebCam shot.  But my favorite is the in the left upper part.  It says, "I really love chocolate."  

2.  I need to blog about work.  Maybe next time.  Prepare for an Autism post.  
3.  Maybe this should be number 1.  I just finished my grad school application.  Been thinking about that one for . . . . years.  Master of Social Work.  I might not know until May if i get in, so don't pay too much attention yet.  
4.  Need to share a profound thought (maybe i should let other people tell me they are profound . . .) So my "friend" shared this profound thought.  Read Ether 2:25 And behold, I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come.  Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you that ye may have light when ye are swallowed up in the depths of the sea?  

I am sure some of you have already thought what I just barely thought, but here it goes.  I read this thinking of the great things I am currently undertaking.  Some of them are so exciting and I have so much hope for their success.  But, I know there may be a point where I am swallowed up in the depths of the seas of discouragement, or selfishness.  Here the Lord is asking me, "Megan, what would you have me prepare for you now so that you may have light in the times you are swallowed up in discouragement?  What will get you through?"  I really don't know the answer to that question.  But, I can't stop thinking about it.  Think about it for you.  Maybe you can prepare now something that will bring light to you later, and if you can't the Lord can.  

Until next time (which might be soon because I have the internet around so I can just do it whenever)
