Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fraudulent Memories--but oh so happy

I had this idea that the whole world would share their favorite memory of Lindsey.  Then I thought, what is mine?  Then I was like, "Don't we always talk about the same old memories even though they remain funny forever?"  Then I thought, "What I really wish is that we had tons of new memories."  Then I got sad, but then I thought, "I basically assume she is here all the time anyways."  So then I thought, "I should just make up a bunch of fake memories to celebrate because they probably happened in some alternate universe anyways."  Did you love hearing that entire thought process???

So here we go.  A trip down fake memory lane.   

Do you remember that one time with the canoes?  There we were canoeing around the river bend with peaceful strokes when suddenly we heard a cry for help.  we looked around and OH MY GOSH!!! It just so happened to be Lindsey, Rosie, Trevor, and Smiley stranded on a log!  I was like "HEY YOOOOOOOUUUUU GUUUUUUYYYYYYSSS!"  And you said, "Megan Megan, this ain't the kind of place you go to the bathroom in.  Dead things MEGAN DEAD THINGS."  Phew.  Good thing we saved you guys.  That was a good time.  I don't even know how you came to be stranded in Utah.

Then there was that other time that I ALMOST pushed you off of a cliff when Schmoopy kisses got OUT OF HAND.  

Then there was that time when we all had that party at the Randall's cabin.  Everyone was way cool and chill until a pigmy version of Trevor dressed as a zombie and tried to go all Walking Dead on us.  At which point Lindsey rolled her eyes and got all introverted and went to write that hit song "Alone In My Principles"  

Basically, Happy Birthday.  I always wish you were here because it would make my group of friends that much more amazing.  Love you too much.  #istillwantyoursongtabs  & #irecognizethisasmydudyearbutidon'tfeelbadbecauseiwarnedyoulastyearthatthismighthappen