Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kentucky Blue Grass & the G-force

My two most embarrassing moments:

1. The first summer I spent in Rexburg began with the hunt. The hunt for employment= story of my life. It is the story of all our lives! I had a handful of applications in & an interview lined up. Lindsey was looking for a job as well. Lindsey got a list from the Employment Office in Rexburg. Of course all of it was hard labor jobs. Lindsey had a job in mind, but didn't want to go alone. The job description involved the ability to lift 50 lbs. multiple times a day. I paused there & wondered why Lindsey wanted this job. The job was at a SOD FARM!! I tried so hard to talk her out of it but somehow I ended up in the car driving in the middle of nowhere down a dirt rode surrounded by mud & sod. In the car I see a trailer and a mobile home. When we pull up to the said equipment I see two men dressed in coveralls & irregation boots doing something farmish with a knife. They are looking at us, wondering if we are lost. I look down. I have on dress pants & a nice shirt. I am wearing black dress shoes. My hair is curled. Lindsey is dressed the same way. I look at her and say in frantic voice as my face reddens, "Turn the car around. What are we doing here? I am not getting out of the car." After a few moments of repeating, "what are we doing, what are we doing, what are we doing" with my hands covering my crimson face I felt sick. Sitting in the car while a couple of sod farmers were considering how to tell us that they didn't want any girl scout cookies was not the most embarrassing part of this whole episode. We actually had to get out of the car. Lindsey said something about how we came all this way and she told her mom she would turn in an application. I felt blind, deaf, and dumb. I could hear Lindsey ask for Mike. In my slightly heeled black shoes I stepped into the mud and walked past the dumbfounded farmers into the mobile home to talk to Mike about a job. The five minutes spent felt like hours. I kept glancing at the car wishing I was in it and hidden from sight. I don't know how all of those guys kept a straight face. I could see the laughter in their eyes. They were dying to talk about it. Finally we made it back in the car & I sank to the floor. I was frustrated and amazed at my own audacity, or rather Lindsey's because if it were up to me we would have turned around. I think she was interested in the 9$/hour. The irony to this story is that we ended up working that summer installing sprinkler systems. One day we even installed sod.
2. Elder meets G-Force
This was probably back when I was just a DD-force. I was at the farewell dinner for my friend. We had gotten to know each other a little bit over the summer. He was better friends with Lindsey & Ariel. I was wearing a shirt that I had so cleverly crafted. I loved this shirt. I loved it so much that I continued to wear it even after the buttons stopped buttoning over the G's (or DD's). I wore it even after the shoulders were so tight I could not raise my arms above my head. I buttoned it the middle button & wore a tank top underneath. When it was time to say goodbye I hugged him over the shoulders. 1st mistake. With my shirt so tight I couldn't really lift my shoulders all the way. Lifting my arms in combination with double the D's put double the strain on the one button holding me together. Then my friend squeezed me and all potential energy was released. He was shot in the stomach with a button & everyone surrounding us heard it. My shirt was all the way open & I actually think I re-buttoned it in the middle of the circle as everyone laughed. This missionary-to-be and lover of Star Wars for the first time in his life finally felt the Force.

1 comment:

Nicki Dunn said...

you amuse me to no end my dear.