Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Help

 Today I have the flu and have spent most of the night watching movies online in between bathroom runs.  I watched this movie in theaters with a group of women from my family and have wanted to watch it again since.  This was a great debut book from Kathryn Stockett.  I certainly loved reading it.  I was initially so angry about the fact that the film rights were bought before it had even been out a year.  Later I learned that the author's roommate is the director!  I love it when good friends work together.  That is the reason that this movie is THE BEST book-to-film that I have ever seen.  There are a few things I could pick at, but I won't even do it because it was so well done.  First, the performances by Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer were so inspiring.  They have actual connections to these maids.  Viola Davis said when asked about how she prepared for this role: "My grandmother was a maid, all of my aunts were maids!" It is just about a time that is not too distant. 

I was also so pleased with Bryce Dallas Howard as Hilly Holbrook.  Hilly is a villain.  In the book, as well as the movie, you just hate her.  Bryce did an amazing job.  In fact, when I first found out that she was cast I was so sad.  I really wanted Anne Hathaway to be the villain so I could hate her without anyone asking why.  However, after the movie I said to my mom, "It is a good thing that Anne Hathaway wasn't in it.  I would have hated her no matter what she did with the role.  Bryce is an actress I like, and she MADE me hate her."


And finally, my favorite person in the movie brought a character to life for me.  Jessica Chastain was so amazing.  I think she is my new favorite actress.  She was so darling in the role as Celia Foote.  She was tough but charming and delicate.  I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but she had a few parts that just sold me.  I think she put 100% into expressing the character in every movement.

So here is to a great book and a great movie.  Emma Stone was asked what she thought was the number one thing people should take from this movie.  Without a breath she emphatically said, "Courage!"  I completely agree. 


Nicki Dunn said...

I couldn't agree more! Celia was my favorite character in book and again in movie. I didn't love Emma Stone as Skeeter. She was supposed to be tall and not very pretty and awkward (am I wrong?) & I thought they made her a little too... similar to the other girls. I don't know, that's me being overly critical. It was a FABULOUS movie. I loved it. Mckay loved it. Ailbileen and Minny where incredible. You know I cried. BEST.
A friend of mine wrote on FB after he saw it "You is kind, you is smart, you is gonna win a lot of Academy Awards!" So true.

RACHAEL said...

i will have to watch this :) LOVESS.