Thursday, May 27, 2010

Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life is a book that doesn’t make a single mistake. It is an easy read that applies to everyone (student, butcher, baker etc.) Despite the repetitive nature, there is something of a gem between the covers. Names that you know, and names that you don’t know, give the feeling that you have some kind of contact with a few of the world’s most successful people. The discoveries that they share are endearing, uplifting, and motivating. The book itself is not an in-your-face presentation, but a gentle nudge to work harder for the things you love.
You could probably live without this book, but why deny yourself insight to the way to live your dreams? Whatever your reason for buying Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life, it is requisite to do something after reading it. Pass it on. As is anything classic or anything wise, this book is meant to be pondered, understood, and—most importantly—shared.

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