Thursday, May 27, 2010

Best Movies Ever

I just watched New Moon for a second time. I am always surprised. This book/world take-over is all about weird stuff and romance--you would think I would be all over it.
(I think it is because there is a complete lack of respect for food) I don't think I could force myself to read the other three books, but I have to admit that I am in LOVE with the movies. I can't really describe why. I find myself laughing throughout the entire thing. How could anyone not like these movies? My favorite part of New Moon was the last line. "Marry me Bella."
wait for it.
Wait for it.
Music . . . music . . .
and finally
It must have been so surprising to her that he wanted to marry her after she demanded to spend eternity with him as a damned soul. Now she has to decide to marry the sucker (no pun intended, honestly I am that witty in-deliberately)WHAT A HUGE DECISION FOR AN 18 YEAR OLD TO MAKE. I mean, she already had to choose if she wanted to be a vampire FOREVER. But this, this is too grown up-ish. It would be so much easier to lead Jacob on if she wasn't married. How will she convince him to do whatever she wants him to do if she is legally bound to the undead?
It is just too funny. I can't wait for Eclipse. I just am so excited to laugh. Hopefully I won't offend anyone in the theater.


Anonymous said...


Lack of respect for food? Is that really a problem? Trev's almost done with Eclipse AND he says he kinda likes it. ANDDD she wasn't even trying to lead Jacob on.

I expected more from you.

Nicki Dunn said...

I am so confused. But mostly by Lindsey's comment. I think you're {M} the only person I could enjoy watching those movies with. You and my Mother. I saw the first one and wanted to slap Bella or whatever her name is, just because she has a stupid, serious, emotionless look on her face the whole time.

Unknown said...

She is awful. I think i love the movies because no one should honestly love these characters. I can't explain it. it just makes me happy.

What do you call what she did to Jacob if not "leading him on". What other words are there for refusing to let someone go their own way but giving them nothing? Oh yeah, slavery. Or how about prisoner? She is an awful person. Probably the most selfish character ever written (even though she is supposed to be giving up everything for love) she only pursues what she wants. She is awful.